What are the fare differences between Premium Smart and Premium Flexible?
For Premium Smart tickets you benefit from :
- 2 luggages in hold of 23 kg each for all destinations except Africa (Mali, Ivory Coast, Benin)
- 1 cabin luggage of 18 kg
- Ticket can be modified with fees as of April 15, 2024 (70 € or 105 CAD for travel between Reunion and Mayotte or Reunion and Madagascar and 250 € or 370 CAD for all other destinations).
- Choice of your seat at time of booking
- Choice of 2 hot main courses. You can pre-order one of these dishes if you request it more than 48 hours before your departure (pre-order is possible and recommended at time of purchase of your ticket or to our Customer Service within the same period. You can also select your main course online on the dedicated space "My booking" located at the top right of the home page).
For Premium Flexible tickets you benefit from:
- 2 luggages in hold of 23 kg each for all destinations except Africa (Mali, Ivory Coast, Benin)
- 1 cabin luggage of 18 kg
- Change of your ticket free of charge
- Refund of your ticket free of charge
- Choice of your seat at time of booking
- Possibility to get an open ticket. In this case you must contact our Customer Service to book this kind of ticket (not available online).
- Choice of 2 hot main courses. You can pre-order one of these dishes if you request it more than 48 hours before your departure (pre-order is possible and recommended at time of purchase of your ticket or to our Customer Service within the same period. You can also select your main course online on the dedicated space "My booking" located at the top right of the home page).
Whatever the price you bought (Smart or Flexible), a few days before your departure, we will send you an e-mail so that you can choose your dish if you have not already done so.
To book your main course, you can also contact our Customer Service open daily from 07:00am to 11:00pm by dialing :

If you are abroad, please dial (same opening hours, Paris time):