Select the seat of your choice as soon as you make your reservation!
In Business Class, experience the comfort of a large, comfortable Business seat.
The Business Class is equipped with high-end seats located at the front of our aircrafts.
Ipad Pro
You will benefit from Ipad Pro. Sennheiser brand noise-cancelling headphones are available for maximum comfort in use and a significant reduction in outside noise.
The system offers a complete entertainment program for the whole family, for all tastes and desires, with french and international films, documentaries, games, music - albums and partner radio stations -, press...
In particular, you can access numerous articles from the daily national press and the daily updated TV news.

Comfortable seats
Wide and comfortable, the seats of the Business class very high reclining, to offer you an optimal rest: the position is almost lying down.
For more comfort in the sitting position, the legs have a high floor space between the rows.
Discreet and practical, the individual and articulated reading lights ensure a warm and intimate atmosphere.
More comfort
Are you comfortable? In addition to the seat, take advantage of our all comfort services: comforter and pillow, Ipda Pro, comfort kit with branded cosmetics, drinks and food...