Which dogs are not allowed to be transported?
Prohibited transport : 1st category dogs (this prohibition applies to transport in the hold, in the cabin and in freight)
They are not allowed to travel on Corsair flights since January 14, 2008.
1st category “dangerous” dogs, as defined by the French law of January 6, 1999 and articles 1 and 2 of April 21, 1999 published in the Journal officiel of April 30, 1999.
- Staffordshire Terrier dogs without LOF registration
- American Staffordshire Terriers dogs (pit bulls) without LOF registration
- Tosa dogs without LOF registration
- Mastiffs (Boer bulls)
Dogs whose breed is not officially recognized and whose morphology could be assimilated to 1st category dogs are not allowed on Corsair flights (e.g. American Bully) unless proof of a breed diagnosis (specific veterinary certificate issued by an approved veterinary assessor) attesting that the dog does not belong to the 1st or 2nd category.
Transport allowed under certain conditions : 2nd category dogs (these dogs can travel in the hold, in freight, or in the cabin provided their weight, including container, does not exceed 8 kg).
- Staffordshire Terrier dogs with LOF registration
- American Staffordshire Terriers with LOF registration
- Rottweiler dogs, with or without LOF registration
- Dogs with morphological similarities to Rottweilers without LOF registration
- Tosa dogs with LOF registration
These dogs are allowed under the following conditions :
- The owner or passenger traveling with the dog must be of legal age.
- The owner must be able to provide proof of the animal's breed at registration by means of a birth certificate, a pedigree or the LOF - Livre des origines français, which lists the origins of French pedigree dogs - issued by the Société centrale canine.
- The owner must present an insurance certificate guaranteeing civil liability for damage caused by the animal to third parties.
- Dog-owning permit issued by the local council (if the animal is less than 8 months old, a provisional dog-owning permit is accepted).
Corsair does not accept the following breeds of dog for carriage in the hold :
- The Pug
- The French Bulldog
- The English Bulldog
- The Boston Terrier
These breeds of dog are allowed in the cabin if their weight, including container, does not exceed 8 kg. As these breeds can suffer from respiratory difficulties, we recommend consulting your veterinarian before travelling by air.
You can find more information on our page dedicated to transporting animals by clicking here.
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