Concerned about the well-being of its customers, Corsair is particularly attentive to their travel conditions and their health safety. The resumption of our activity will be carried out in strict compliance with the measures imposed by the Authorities in order to allow our customers to travel with complete peace of mind.
Corsair even goes beyond the preventive measures recommended by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to reassure its customers about its flight conditions. These provisions are applied throughout the passenger journey.
Aircraft preparation/maintenance
- The company is strengthening the systematic cleaning and disinfection of the cabins before each flight: all contact points and rigid surfaces (aisles, toilets, windows, seats, shelves, armrests, magazine racks, belts, exits from 'air…) are cleansed with virucidal products.
- The air is extremely pure in the cabin. It is in fact renewed automatically every 3 minutes (50% fresh air - 50% recycled air). This renewal is carried out using HEPA filters (High-Efficiency-Particulate Arrestors), capable of absorbing viruses and bacteria. These filters, used in hospitals, in clean rooms in particular, trap viruses at 99.97%.
- During the flight, sanitary contact surfaces, such as toilet handles, are cleaned every 30 minutes, inside and out.